- P-Troll
- P. Mobil
- P.H.O.B.O.S.
- P.H.T.O
- P.L.F.
- P.m.t
- P.M.T.
- P.O.d
- P.O.D.
- Pääkallo
- Pace,Josie
- Pack of Wolves
- Pack,das
- Pagan Altar
- Pagan Lorn
- Pagan Winter
- Pagan's Mind
- Paganize
- Paganizer
- Page, Jimmy & Robert Plant
- Page,Jimmy & Robert Plant
- Paice Ashton Lord
- Paice, Ian -Sunflower Sup
- Paice,Ashton & Lord
- Pailhead
- Pain
- Pain and Passion
- Pain City
- Pain Confessor
- Pain Control
- Pain Emission
- Pain Inc.
- Pain Link
- Pain of Salvation
- Pain Principle
- Pain Station
- Pain Teens
- Pain Therapy
- Painbastard
- Painflow
- Painkiller
- Painkiller Party
- Painstruck
- Paint the Town Red
- Pal Treponem
- Palace
- Palace Music
- Palace of Black
- Palace of the King
- Palace Terrace
- Pale December
- Pale Divine
- Pale Grey Lore
- Paleface
- Palehorse
- Palehorse/Colin of Arabia
- Pallas
- Pallbearer
- Palm
- Palm Reader
- Palmer
- Palmer Robert
- Palms
- Pan American
- Pan Ram
- Pan Thy Monium
- Pan-Thy-Monium
- Pan.Thy.Monium
- Pandemic
- Pandemonium
- Pandemonium (Nl)
- Pandorium
- Panic Cell
- Panic Dhh
- Panic Lift
- Panic Number
- Pankow
- Panopticon
- Panopticon & Waldgeflüster
- Pantera
- Pantheist
- Pantheon I
- Pantheon-I
- Pantokrator
- Panzer Squad
- Panzerballett
- Panzerchrist
- Panzerfaust
- Panzerkrieg 666
- Papa Roach
- Parabellum
- Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis
- Paradise Lost
- Paradox
- Paradox Twin,the
- Paragon
- Paragon Belial
- Paragon of Beauty
- Paralydium
- Paralysed Age
- Paralysis
- Paramaecium
- Paranoid Agony
- Parasight
- Parasitario
- Parasite Inc.
- Pariah Theory
- Paris,Cassidy
- Parisian Walls
- Parity Boot
- Parkway Drive
- Parnassus
- Part Chimp
- Party Animals
- Party Cannon
- Parzival
- Passenger
- Passengers in Panic
- Passion
- Passion at Gunpoint
- Passion for Sorrow
- Passion of Death
- Passion Risk
- Past M.D.
- Pater Nembrot
- Path of Destiny
- Path of Golconda
- Path of no Return
- Path of Sorrow
- Pathfinder
- Pathologic Noise
- Pathological Noise
- Pathological Sadism
- Pathologist
- Pathology
- Pathos
- Pathosray
- Paths of Possession
- Patriarch
- Patriarchs in Black
- Patrick Hemer
- Patrick Wolf
- Patrizia
- Patrón
- Patron Saint of Plagues
- Pattern-Seeking Animals
- Patty Griffin
- Paul Di'anno & Killers
- Paul Chain Violet Theatre
- Paul Di' Anno & Killers
- Paul Di'Anno
- Paul di'Anno's Battlezone
- Paul di'Anno's Warhorse
- Paul Ortiz
- Paul Roland
- Paul Sabu
- Paul Samson
- Paul Samson's Empire
- Paul Thorn
- Paved In Skin
- Pavor
- Paw
- PAX217
- Pay at the Pump
- Payback's a Bitch
- Payne's Gray
- Payolas
- Payolas, the
- Paysage d'Hiver
- Pazuzu
- Peace Killers
- Peace Sanctuary
- peach f.t.l.
- Pearce,Stevie R.& the Hooligans
- Pearcy, Stephen
- Pearl Jam
- Pearl W& Carmine Appice
- Pearls and Flames
- Peat Moss
- Peccatum
- Peckham
- Pedro the Lion
- PeelingFlesh
- Pegazus
- Pelican
- Penance
- Pendejo
- Pendragon
- Pendulum
- Pendulum of Fortune
- Penitent Man & Cortege
- Penny Mocks
- Pensees Nocturnes
- Pentacle
- Pentagram
- Pentagram Chile
- Pentagram(Chile)
- Pentarium
- Penumbra
- People Republic of Europe
- Peoples Republic of Europ
- Pequod
- Perahia, Joshua
- Perchta
- Perdition Temple
- Perdition Winds
- Perennial Isolation
- Perfect Crime
- Perfect Defect
- Perfect NME
- Perfect Plan
- Perifa
- Periphery
- Perishing Mankind
- Permutation
- Perpetual Demise
- Perracide
- Perry Lane Sect
- Perry,Brendan
- Persefone
- Persephone
- Persephone's Dream
- Persian Risk
- Persistence in Flames
- Persona Non Grata
- Personal War
- Persuader
- Pertness
- Perturbator
- Perversity
- Perversor
- Perverted Ceremony
- Pervertum
- Perzonal War
- Pessimist
- Pest
- Peste & Sida
- Peste and Sida
- Peste Noire
- Pesterous Mind
- Pestigore
- Pestilence
- Pestilence Choir
- Pestilent Hex
- Pestnebel
- Pests
- Pet Needs
- Pete Flesh Deathtrip,the
- Pete Sandberg's Jade
- Pete Way
- Peter Cetera
- Peter Grusel und die Unheimlichen
- Peter Hermansson
- Peter Murphy
- Peter Ustinov
- Peter's Inferno
- Peterik,Jim & World Stage
- Peterik,Jim and World Stage
- Petra
- Petty Tom & the Heartbreakers
- Petty,Tom & Heartbreakers,the
- Phalanx
- Phallax
- Phallus Dei
- Phantom
- Phantom 13
- Phantom 5
- Phantom Blue
- Phantom Corporation
- Phantom Crew
- Phantom der Opfer
- Phantom Elite
- Phantom Eye
- Phantom Fire
- Phantom Glue
- Phantom Lord
- Phantom Lords
- Phantom Vision
- Phantom Winter
- Phantom-X
- Phantom,Rocker & Slick
- Phantom's Opera
- Phantoms
- Phantoms of Future
- Phantoms Opera
- Pharaoh
- Pharaoh Overlord
- Pharaoh's Curse
- Pharaohs
- Phase Reverse
- Phaze I
- Phenomena
- Phil Campbell
- Phil Campbell and The Bastard Sons
- Phil Lynott - Grand Slam
- Phil Lynott`s Grand Slam
- Phil Lynott's Grand Slam
- Phil Manzanera & Andy Mackay
- Phil Rudd
- Phil Void
- Phil X & The Drills
- Philadelphia
- Philadelphia 76ers
- Phillips,Anthony
- Philosopher
- Phinehas
- Phlebotomized
- Phlefonyaar
- Phobia
- Phobia/Resist & Exist
- Phobocosm
- Phobonoid
- Phoenix
- Phoenix Bodies
- Phoenix Foundation,the
- Phoenix Mourning
- Phoenix Reign
- Phoenix Rising
- Phoenix Rizing
- Phönix Rising
- Phosgore
- Photophobia
- Phoxjaw
- Phrenelith
- Physical Noise
- Piano That Rocks
- Pianos Become the Teeth
- Pictorial Wand
- Pictura
- Picture
- Picture Me Broken
- Picture of the Moon
- Picture Perfect Skylines
- Picture the End
- Picturebooks,the
- Pictures of Pain
- Piece,Jesus
- Pierce the Veil
- Pig
- Pig Destroyer
- Pig Heart Transplant
- Pig Irön
- Pigface
- Pigface Vs DJ Linux
- Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs
- Piledriver
- Pillar
- Pillars of Creation
- Pillorian
- Pillory
- Pin Drop Violence
- Pin Up Went Down
- Pineapple Thief
- Pineapple Thief, The
- Pinhead
- Pink Cream 69
- Pink Fairies
- Pink Floyd
- Pink Mass
- Pink Mountaintops
- Pink Razors
- Pinkish Crown
- Pipedream
- Pipedreams
- Piper Spit
- Pirate Queen
- Piss on Christ
- Pissgrave
- Pissing Razors
- Pistol Dawn
- Pit Fight Demolition
- Pit Of Doom
- Pitbulls in the Nursery
- Pitchshifter
- Pitfall
- Pitiful Reign
- Pittman,Monte
- Pity Whores
- Pixie Ninja
- Place Called Rage
- Place of Skulls
- Place Vendome
- Placebo
- Placebo Effect
- Placenta
- Placenta Powerfist
- Plaga
- Plague Rider
- Plague Years
- Plaguestorm
- Planet Gemini
- Planet of Doom
- Planet X
- Planet X (Tamaya Honda)
- Plasmatics
- Plasmatics,the
- Plastic Assault
- Plastic Earth
- Plastic Noise Experience
- Plastic Penny
- Plastic Whore
- Platinum Blonde
- Platitude
- Platypus
- Play Dead
- Playground Trauma
- Plea for Purging
- Pleasure Forever
- Plebeian Grandstand
- Pledge Your Allegiance to Satan
- Plenty of Nails
- Pleurisy
- Pleymo
- Plini
- Plot in You
- Plot in You, the
- Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tow
- Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower,the
- Plot Vs Damage Control,the
- PM Today
- Pod People
- Poem
- Poems of Shadows
- Pogo Car Crash Control
- Point Break
- Point One
- Point One^Point One
- Pointer Sisters
- Points North
- Poison
- Poison Asp
- Poison Blood
- Poison Dollys
- Poison Garden
- Poison Headache
- Poison Idea
- Poison Pill
- Poison Rose
- Poison Ruïn
- Poison Sun
- Poison the Well
- Poison Tongues
- Poisonblack
- Poisoned Speed
- Poker
- Polar
- Polar Bitch
- Polaris
- Polarization
- Political Asylum
- Political Blockheads
- Polkadot Cadaver
- Polluted Inheritance
- Poltergeist
- Polymorph
- Polyphia
- Pom
- Pomegranate Tiger
- Pompa Funebris
- Ponte Del Diavolo
- Pontillo and the Vintage Crew
- Pony Fight
- Pony Girl
- Poodles, the
- Pop Evil
- Pop Iggy & Stooges
- Pop Will Eat Itself
- Pop, Iggy & Stooges
- Pop,Iggy & the Stooges
- Poppy Seed Grinder
- Porcelain and the Tramps
- Porcelain Helmet
- Porcupine Tree
- Porn
- Porn Flakes
- Porn to Hula
- Pornchild
- Porta Nigra
- Portal
- Portal (Swe)
- Portall
- Portrait
- Portrait of Flesh & Blood
- Portrait Of Gray
- Portraits for Judith
- Portraits of the Dead
- Portrayal Of Guilt
- Portugal.the Man
- Positive Force
- Positive Strike
- Possessed
- Possessed Entity
- Post Mortem
- Post Mortem Twitch
- Post-Mortem
- Posthum
- Posthuman Abomination
- Posthumanbigbang
- Postmortem
- Postmortem Promises
- Potential Xero
- Potentiam
- Pothead
- Pounder
- Poverty's No Crime
- Powell-Payne
- Power Castle
- Power from Hell
- Power Fuel
- Power of Expression
- Power of Omens
- Power Quest
- Power Symphony
- Power Theory
- Power Trip
- Powerflo
- Powerglove
- Powerlord
- Powermad
- Powerman 5000
- Powersurge
- Powerwolf
- Praise the Plague
- Praxis
- Pray for Locust
- Prayer Tower
- Praying Mantis
- Praying Mantis & Paul Dianno, Dennis Stratton
- Pre-Human Vaults
- Precieux Sang
- Precious Death
- Predator
- Predatory Light
- Predatory Violence
- Predatory Void
- Preemptive Strike 0.1
- Preemptive Strike 0.1 With Nik
- Preemptive Strike 0.1 with Niklas Kvarforth
- Preemptive Strike 01
- Prehate
- Prehistoric Pigs
- Prematory
- Premature Burial
- Premonitions of War
- Prequelle
- President Evil
- Prestige
- Pretty Boy Floyd
- Pretty Maids
- Pretty Maids-Pretty Maids
- Pretty Maids, the
- Pretty Reckless
- Pretty Reckless,the
- Prey for Nothing
- Prick
- Pride And Fall
- Pride of Lions
- Pride Shall Fall
- Priestess
- Prima Donna
- Prima Donnas
- Primal Attack
- Primal Code
- Primal Fear
- Primal Fear (Metall-Box)
- Primal Rage
- Primal Rock Rebellion
- Primal Scream
- Primal Scream NYC
- Primary Slave
- Prime Circle
- Prime Creation
- Prime Evil
- Prime Sinister
- Primer 55
- Primeval Realm
- Primevil
- Primitai
- Primitive Graven Image
- Primitive Man
- Primitive Man and Unearthly Trance
- Primitive Race
- Primordial
- Primortal Aggression
- Primus
- Primus Motor
- Principality of Death
- Principality of Hell
- Prior the End
- Pripjat
- Prison 11
- Pristine
- Private Angel
- Privateer
- Pro-Pain
- Pro-Tech (B.Leeb & C.Peterso
- Problem of Pain
- Probot
- Procession
- Procession, the
- Procol Harum
- Prodigal Earth
- Product of Hate
- Profanatica
- Profanation
- Profane Burial
- Profane Omen
- Profanity
- Profanum
- Professional Murder Music
- Profiler
- Profuna Ocean
- Profundi
- Proghma-C
- Project 86
- Project Armageddon
- Project Creation
- Project Evil
- Project Fright
- Project Hate
- Project Hate Mcmxcix
- Project Pitchfork
- Project Terror
- Project Theory
- Project X
- Project-X
- Project46
- Proll Guns
- Promethean Misery
- Promise Breaker
- Promothee
- Prong
- Prong,Prong
- Prophecy
- Prophecy 23, the
- Prophecy of Doom
- Prophecy of Rage
- Prophecy Untold
- Prophecy Z14
- Prophecy, the
- Prophecy,the
- Prophets of Rage
- Prophets of the Apocalypse
- Proscription
- Proscriptor Mcgovern's Apsu
- Proscriptor Mcgovern’s Apsu
- Prosevere
- Prospect
- Prospekt
- Prosperina
- Prostitute Disfigurement
- Protection of Hate
- Protector
- Protest the Hero
- Prothese Daniel B.
- Proton Burst
- Prototype
- Prowler
- Prowler Inc.
- Prowlers
- Prowlers & Produzenten Der Froide
- Prowlers, The
- Prurient
- Prymary
- Pseudo Philosophers
- Psy:Code
- Psy'Aviah
- Psychedelic Witchcraft
- Psychefunkapus
- Psychic Force,the
- Psychic Graveyard
- Psychic TV
- Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia
- Psychlona
- Psychonaut 4
- Psychopathic Terror
- Psychostick
- Psychotic Waltz
- Psychotica
- Psyclon Nine
- Psycroptic
- Psygnosis
- Psykup
- Psyopus
- Puddle of Mudd
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Music Collection
- Pulcher Femina
- Pulchra Morte
- Pulse Legion
- Pulse Ultra
- Pulsebeats,the
- Pumarosa
- Pump
- Pungent Stench
- Pungent,Stench
- Punish
- Punish my Heaven
- Punish Yourself
- Punto Omega
- Puny Human
- Pupil Slicer
- Pure Energy
- Pure Hatred
- Pure Sweet Hell
- Pure Wrath
- Purgatoire
- Purgatory
- Purgatory (Ger)
- Purgatory's Gate
- Purgatorys Troop
- Purge d.I.
- Purged
- Purified in Blood
- Purify
- Purpend.icular
- Purpendicular
- Purple Hill Witch
- Purple Nail
- Purple Nightmare
- Pursuing the End
- Purtenance
- Purulent Necrosis
- Puscifer
- Puteraeon
- Putrefied Cadaver
- Putrid Yell
- Puya
- PX-Pain
- Pygmy Children
- Pylar
- Pyogenesis
- Pyorrhoea
- Pyracanda
- Pyramaze
- Pyramids With Nadja
- Pyraweed
- Pyrexia
- Pyrolyse
- Pythia
- Pyuria