- D a F
- D-A-D
- D-Age
- D-Mente
- D-Passion & Ophidian
- D:a:d
- D. H. I.
- D.A.M.
- D.B.C.
- D.C.Cooper (Royal Hunt)
- D.F.a.
- D.F.l.
- D.F.M.
- D.H.I.
- D.Hate
- D.I.
- D.I.S.
- D.O.A. & Thor
- D.O.D. (Dealers of death)
- D.O.G
- D.o.g.
- D.O.M Destruction of Mankind
- D.R.I.
- D.S.K.
- D.U.S.T.
- D.V.C.
- D'espairsRay
- D'Luna
- D'Molls
- D'Or
- D'Virgilio Morse & Jennings
- D'Virgilio, Morse & Jennings
- D'Virgilio,Morse & Jennings
- Dååth
- Daath Shadow
- Daddy X
- Daddy's Hands
- Daedric
- Daemonarch
- Daemonicus
- Daeng
- Daeva
- Daeva Aesma
- Daf Dos
- Dag Nasty
- Daggerspawn
- Dagoba
- Dagor Dagorath
- Dahmer
- Daily Terror
- Daily Terror & Dödelhaie
- Daimonic Grey
- Dakara Dirt
- Dakhma
- Dakrua
- Daksinroy
- Dallon, Miki
- Dalriada
- Dam
- Damage Overdose
- Damage S.F.P.
- Damaged
- Damaged Justice
- Damaged Spiral
- Damageplan
- Dame Fortune
- Dame Skool
- Damien Thorne
- Dämmerfarben
- Damn the Diva
- Damn Yankees
- Damnation
- Damnation & Reborn (1995 Issue)
- Damnation A.D.
- Damnation Angels
- Damnation Army
- Damnation Defaced
- Damnation Of Adam Blessing
- Damnation Plan
- Damnation,the
- Damnation's Hammer
- Damnations Day
- Damnations Hammer
- Damonacy
- Dampf
- Dan Baune's Lost Sanctuary
- Dan Swanö
- Dance Club Massacre
- Dance Floor Justice
- Dance Gavin Dance
- Dance Hall Crashers
- Dance Or die
- Dance With Dirt
- Dance With The Dead
- Dancehall Crashers
- Danger Angel
- Danger Danger
- Danger Friends USA
- Danger Friends Usa!
- Danger Thieves
- Danger Zone
- Dangerous Toys
- Dangers of the Sea
- Danheim
- Daniel Band
- Daniel D & The Retaliation
- Daniel Nelson
- Daniels Charlie Band / Marshall Tucker
- Daniels, Charlie Band
- Danko Jones
- Danny Diablo
- Danny Masters
- Danny the Vendetta Diablo
- Danse Macabre
- Danse Society
- Dante
- Dante Fox
- Dante's Lounge
- Dante's View
- Danter, Ian
- Danter,Ian
- Dantesco
- Dany Laj & the Looks
- Danzig
- Danzig, Glenn
- Dapunksportif
- Dar Sangre
- Dar Williams
- Dardan
- Dare
- Dare Edwin
- Dare Forte
- Dario Mars and the Guillotines
- Dario Mollo & Tony Martin
- Dark Abyss Salvation
- Dark Age
- Dark Ages
- Dark Angel
- Dark Angels
- Dark Arena
- Dark Asylum
- Dark at Dawn
- Dark Avenger
- Dark Buddha Rising
- Dark Castle
- Dark Confessions
- Dark Covenant
- Dark Desires
- Dark Driven
- Dark Empire
- Dark End
- Dark Flood
- Dark Forest
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Funeral
- Dark Halo
- Dark Haunters
- Dark Haven
- Dark Heart
- Dark Heart Speedway
- Dark Heavens
- Dark Heresy
- Dark Illumination
- Dark Legion
- Dark Lit Sky
- Dark Lunacy
- Dark Man Shadow
- Dark Mass
- Dark Mile
- Dark Millennium
- Dark Mirror ov Tragedy
- Dark Misanthropy
- Dark Moor
- Dark Moore
- Dark New Day
- Dark New Day^Dark New Day
- Dark Oath
- Dark Orange
- Dark Order
- Dark Princess
- Dark Prison Massacre
- Dark Red Seed,the
- Dark Red Sky
- Dark Revenant
- Dark Runner
- Dark Sanctuary
- Dark Sarah
- Dark Sermon
- Dark Side Eons
- Dark Sky
- Dark Sky Choir
- Dark Sun Profits
- Dark Suns
- Dark the Suns
- Dark Throne
- Dark Tranquillity
- Dark Tranquillity Dark Tranquillity
- Dark Violence
- Dark Voices
- Dark Wisdom
- Dark Wizard
- Dark Zodiak
- Darkall Slaves
- Darkane
- Darkcell
- Darkened
- Darkened Nocturn Slaughte
- Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
- Darkenhöld
- Darkest Era
- Darkest Hate Warfront
- Darkest Hour
- Darkest Origins
- Darkestrah
- Darkfall
- Darkhaus
- Darkher
- Darklin Reach
- Darkmoon
- Darkmoon Warrior
- Darkness
- Darkness Ablaze
- Darkness Before Dawn
- Darkness By Oath
- Darkness Divided
- Darkness Dynamite
- Darkness Enshroud
- Darkness on Demand
- Darkness on the Radio
- Darkness, The
- Darkrise
- Darkseed
- Darkside
- Darkside Cowboys
- Darkside NYC
- Darksiders
- Darkspace
- DarkSun
- Darkthrone
- Darktribe
- Darkwater
- Darkwell
- Darkwoods My Betrothed
- Darling Helen
- Darling, Helen
- Darling,Helen
- Darvulia
- Darxon
- Darzamat
- Das Damen
- Das Ich
- Das Pack
- Das Scheit
- Daughtry
- Daughtry,David
- Dauntless
- Dautha
- Dave Slave's
- Davey Suicide
- Davey Vain
- David Bowie
- David Byron
- David Byron Band
- David Coverdale
- David Coverdale & Whitesnake
- David Lee Roth
- David Palmer & Rpo
- David Reece
- David T. Chastain
- Davidian
- Davy Vain
- Dawn
- Dawn Ahead
- Dawn and Dusk Entwined
- Dawn Chorus and the Infallible Sea
- Dawn Hawk
- Dawn Heist
- Dawn of Ashes
- Dawn of Azazel
- Dawn of Decay
- Dawn of Demise
- Dawn of Destiny
- Dawn of Disease
- Dawn of Dreams
- Dawn of Extinction
- Dawn of Oblivion
- Dawn of Ouroboros
- Dawn of Relic
- Dawn of Silence
- Dawn of Solace
- Dawn of Tears
- Dawn of the Maya
- Dawn of the Obscene
- Dawn of Winter
- Dawn Ray'd
- Dawn Razor
- Dawn Trader
- Dawn Under Eclipse
- Dawnbringer
- Dawnrider
- Dax Riggs
- Daxma
- Daxx & Roxane
- Daxx and Roxane
- Day Everything Became Nothing,
- Day Everything Became Nothing,The
- Day Houston Wb 1-
- Day of Atonement
- Day of Pigs
- Day Six
- Day to Remember
- Day Without Dawn
- Daybreak Embrace
- Daycore
- Dayglo Abortions
- Daylight Dies
- Days in Grief
- Days of Betrayal
- Days of Jupiter
- Days of Loss
- Days of the New
- Dayseeker
- Daysend
- Dazzle Vision
- De Boss
- De Infernali
- De Lirium's Order
- De Profundis
- De Young,Dennis
- Dead
- Dead & Divine
- Dead Alone
- Dead Amanda
- Dead and Living,the
- Dead Animal Assembly Plant
- Dead Asylum
- Dead Awaken
- Dead Bang
- Dead Beat Honeymooners
- Dead Brain Cells
- Dead by April
- Dead by Wednesday
- Dead Can Dance
- Dead Carnage
- Dead Celebrity Status
- Dead Chasm
- Dead Child
- Dead City Ruins
- Dead Congregation
- Dead Conspiracy
- Dead Cross
- Dead Curtis
- Dead Daisies, the
- Dead Dawn Rising
- Dead Emotions
- Dead End
- Dead End Dragstrip
- Dead End Finland
- Dead End Future
- Dead End Guys
- Dead End Heroes
- Dead End Lane
- Dead End Track
- Dead End Tragedy
- Dead Eternity
- Dead Express
- Dead Eyed Sleeper
- Dead Eyed Spider
- Dead Eyes Always Dreaming
- Dead Flesh Fashion
- Dead for Ten Weeks
- Dead Formats,the
- Dead Fucking Serious
- Dead Girls Academy
- Dead Guitars
- Dead Harts
- Dead Hate the Living
- Dead Head
- Dead Hearts
- Dead Horse
- Dead Horse Trauma
- Dead Icarus
- Dead Icons
- Dead in the Dirt
- Dead in the Water
- Dead Infection
- Dead Inner Youth
- Dead Inside
- Dead Kennedys
- Dead Kosmonaut
- Dead Label
- Dead Lakes
- Dead Lane Cross
- Dead Letter Circus
- Dead Limbs
- Dead Lord
- Dead Lucky
- Dead Man in Reno
- Dead Man's Chest
- Dead Man's Hand
- Dead Mans Dossier
- Dead Meadow
- Dead Melodies
- Dead Melodies & Beyond the Ghost
- Dead Melodies and Zen Jungle
- Dead Memories
- Dead Men's Requiem
- Dead Moon
- Dead Moons Grey
- Dead Mould
- Dead of Night
- Dead On Arrival
- Dead Poet Society
- Dead Poetic
- Dead Procession
- Dead Quiet
- Dead Raven Choir
- Dead Serious
- Dead Shape Figure
- Dead Silence Hides My Cries
- Dead Silent Slumber
- Dead Sleep
- Dead Soul
- Dead South Dealers
- Dead Sun
- Dead Talks
- Dead to a Dying World
- Dead to Fall
- Dead to the World
- Dead to This World
- Dead Trooper
- Dead Voices on Air
- Dead Void
- Dead Witches
- Dead Witches & Witchthroat Serpent
- Dead World
- Dead Youth
- Deadbird
- Deadborn
- Deaden
- Deadguy
- Deadlife
- Deadlight Massacre
- Deadlock
- Deadly Assassin
- Deadly Blessing
- Deadly Carnage
- Deadly Nights
- Deadly Vipers
- Deadringer
- Deadsoil
- Deadsoul Tribe
- Deadstar Assembly
- Deadsy
- Deaf Noise
- Deaf Pedestrians
- Deafcon5
- Deafheaven
- Deafness by Noise
- Deals Death
- Deamon of Oa
- Dear Mother
- Dearly Beheaded
- Dearly Beloved
- Dearth
- Death
- Death & Taxes
- Death Alley
- Death and Glory
- Death Angel
- Death Arrangement
- Death Before Dishonor
- Death Breath
- Death By Dawn
- Death By Design
- Death By Stereo
- Death Comes Crawling
- Death Cult
- Death Dealer
- Death Dealer Union
- Death Dealers
- Death Destruction
- Death Fetishist
- Death Goals
- Death Hawks
- Death Immortal
- Death in Action
- Death in Bloom
- Death in June
- Death in Vegas
- Death Index
- Death Mask
- Death Mechanism
- Death of a Demon
- Death Of Dawn
- Death of Steve Sylvester
- Death Or Glory
- Death Organ
- Death Over Threat
- Death Penalty
- Death Pill
- Death Power
- Death Racer
- Death Ray Vision
- Death Reality
- Death Remains
- Death Requisite
- Death Row
- Death Sentence
- Death SS
- Death Strike
- Death the Leveller
- Death Therapy
- Death Threat
- Death to Frank Ziyanak
- Death to Tyrants
- Death Toll 80k
- Death Unit
- Death Valley High
- Death Vessel
- Death Warrant
- Death Wolf
- Death Worship
- Deathbell
- Deathbound
- Deathbringer
- Deathchain
- Deathcrush
- Deathcrush (Italy)
- Deathfist
- Deathgaze
- Deathless Creation
- Deathless Legacy
- Deathlike Silence
- Deathrage
- Deathraiser
- Deathrite
- Deathronation
- Deathrow
- Deathspell Omega
- Deathstar
- Deathstars
- Deathstorm
- Deathswarm
- Deathtale
- Deathtrip, the
- Deathwhite
- Deathwitch
- Debartoli's Nightwing
- Debauchery
- Debauchery vs. Blood God
- Debodified
- Debris Inc.
- Debtor
- Debustrol
- Decade at War
- Decadence
- Decadence Sweden
- Decadence Within
- Decapitated
- Decapitated Christ
- Decay of Creation
- Decayed
- Decayed Vs Urn
- Decaying
- Decaying Days
- Decaying Purity
- Deceased...
- Deceitful Conspiracy
- December
- December Flower
- December in Red
- December Moon
- December Wolves
- December's Cold Winter
- December's Fire
- Decembre Noir
- Deception of a Ghost
- Decibel Demon
- Decimated Humans
- Decision D
- Decline of the I
- Decoded Feedback
- Decomposed
- Decomposing Serenity
- Decoryah
- Decrepit Birth
- Decrepit Cadaver
- Decyfer Down
- Dedicated Aggression
- Dedringer
- Dee Dee Ramone
- Dee Snider
- Dee Snider's S.M.F. (Sick Mutha F***ers)
- Dee Snider's Widowmaker
- Deeds of Flesh
- Deep Black
- Deep Black Sees
- Deep Enough to die
- Deep Machine
- Deep Purple
- Deep Purple Jon Lord & F
- Deep Red
- Deep Space Mask
- Deep Sun
- Deep Winter
- Deepfield
- Deez Nuts
- Def Leppard
- Def-Con-One
- Defaced Creation
- Defacement
- Defacing God
- Defallen Prophecy
- Defeated Sanity
- Defecation
- Defect Designer
- Defects
- Defences
- Defender
- Defenders of Metal
- Defenestration
- Defiance
- Defiant
- Defiant Nature
- Defiants
- Defiants,the
- Defiatory
- Defiled
- Defiler
- Defleshed
- Defocus
- Defrage
- Deftones
- Defy the Architect
- Defy the Curse
- Defy the Laws of Tradition
- Degarmo & Key
- Degial
- Degradation Paradox
- Degradead
- Degreed
- Déhà
- Dehd
- Dehuman Reign
- Dehumanized
- Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship
- Deicide
- Deimos' Dawn
- Deine Lakaien
- Deinonychus
- Deiquisitor
- Deist Requiem
- Deitus
- Deivos
- Deja Mort
- Deja Vu
- Dekapitator
- Delain
- Delanz
- Delerium
- Délétère
- Delicious Red
- Delirio & the Phantoms
- Delirious
- Delirious?
- Delirium
- Delirium Bound
- Delirium Cordia
- Delirium Rock'n Roll
- Delirium Tremens
- Delirium X Tremens
- Deliverance
- Delta 9
- Delta Cepheid
- Delta Sleep
- Demande a La Poussiere
- Dementor
- Demenzia
- Demenzia Mortis
- Demersus Ad Nihilum
- Demigod
- Demilich
- Demiricous
- Demise
- Demise of Eros
- Demise of Gideon
- Demiser
- Demiurg
- Demolition
- Demolition 23
- Demolition Hammer
- Demolition Train
- Demon
- Demon Angels
- Demon Bitch
- Demon Cleaner
- Demon Drive
- Demon Dudes Revenge
- Demon Eye
- Demon Eyes
- Demon Head
- Demon Hunter
- Demon Incarnate
- Demon King
- Demon Lung
- Demon Pact
- Demon Project
- Demon Seed
- Demon Seeds
- Demon Spell
- Demon Thor
- Demonaz
- Demonbreed
- Demoncy
- Demone, Gitane
- Demoniac
- Demonic Christ
- Demonic Death Judge
- Demonic Death Judge / Coughdust
- Demonic Resurrection
- Demonic Slaughter
- Demonical
- Demonoid
- Demons
- Demons & Devils
- Demons & Wizards
- Demons Down
- Demons Of Dirt
- Demons Seed
- Demonstealer
- Demorphed
- Demotional
- Den Saakaldte
- Den Syvende S¥n
- Denial of God
- Denigh
- Denner's Inferno
- Dennis De Young
- Denomination
- Denouncement Pyre
- Deny
- Deny the Fallen
- Deny the Urge
- Depravity
- Depressive Age
- Depressive Witches
- Depresszió
- Depswa
- Depths of Hatred
- Der Blutharsch
- Der Gerwelt
- Der Weg einer Freiheit
- DeRais
- Deranged
- Derdian
- Derek & Dominos
- Derek & Min Xiao-Fen Bailey
- Derek and the Dominos
- Derek Sherinian
- Derek Smalls
- Deride
- Deris Andi & Bad Bankers
- Derita Sisters
- Dernière Volonté
- Derringer
- Derringer Rick
- Derringer Rick & Friends
- Derringer, Rick
- Derringer,Rick
- Derringer's Rock Spectacular
- Desaster
- Desaster Kids
- Descartes A Kant
- Descend
- Descend Into Nothingness
- Descend to Acheron
- Descend to Rise
- Descender
- Descending
- Descending Darkness
- Desdemona
- Desecrate the Faith
- Desecration
- Desecrator
- Desert Mountain Tribe
- Desert Near the End
- Desert Sessions 9 & 10
- Desert Sessions, The
- Desert Storm
- Deserted Fear
- Deserves to Die
- Design of Destiny
- Design the Skyline
- Designer of Death
- Desired Response Theory
- Desolate Shrine
- Desolation
- Desolation Angels
- Desolator
- Despair
- Despised Icon
- Despite
- Despite Exile
- Despite Loyalty
- Destination Void
- Destinia
- Destinity
- Destiny
- Destiny Calling
- Destiny Dreaming
- Destiny Program
- Destiny's End
- Destrage
- Destroy By Design
- Destroy Destroy Destroy
- Destroy Louis
- Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows (D.R.U.G.S.)
- Destroy She Said
- Destroy the Opposition
- Destroy the Runner
- Destroyer
- Destroyer & Violated
- Deströyer 666
- Destroyer of Light
- Destroyers
- Destroying Divinity
- Destruction
- Destruction of a Rose
- Destructo
- Destructo Swarmbots
- Destructor
- Desultory
- Det Katterska Forbund
- Det Vackra Livet
- Det Vidaapne Gap
- Détente
- Deteriorate
- Detest
- Dethklok
- Dethrone
- Dethrone The Sovereign
- Detonation
- Detraktor
- Deus Ex Machina
- Deus Invictus
- Deuteronomium
- Deutsch Nepal
- Devariem
- Devastating Enemy
- Devastation
- Devastation Inc.
- Devastator
- Devenial Verdict
- Devian
- Deviant
- Deviant Process
- Deviant Surgeons
- Deviant Syndrome
- Deviants,the
- Deviate
- Deviate Damaen
- Deviated Instinct
- Deviates
- Device
- Devicious
- Devil
- Devil City Angels
- Devil Doll
- Devil Dolls
- Devil Driver
- Devil In Me
- Devil Inside
- Devil Master
- Devil on Earth
- Devil Sold His Soul
- Devil Worshipper
- Devil You Know
- Devil-M
- Devil's Answer
- Devil's Dandruff
- Devil's Gun
- Devil's Hand ft. Slamer - Freeman
- Devil's Heaven
- Devil's Reef
- Devil's Slingshot
- Devil's Train
- Devil's Whiskey
- Devil's Whorehouse
- Devil's Witches
- Devildriver
- Devilfire
- Devilish Impressions
- Devilpriest
- Devils Answer
- Devils Gun
- Devils in Heaven
- Devils of Louden
- Devils Trade,the
- DevilsBridge
- Devilskin
- Devilyn
- Devin Townsend
- Devin Townsend Band
- Devin Townsend Project
- Devin Townshend's Ocean Machine
- Devious
- Devious Mine
- Deviser
- Devolved
- Devour the Martyr
- Devoured Elysium
- Devourment
- Devouror
- Dew-Scented
- Dewolff
- DeWolff & Metropole Orkest
- Dezperadoz
- Deztroyer
- Dhg (d?Dheimsgard)
- Dhg(Dödheimsgard)
- Di Anno, Paul
- Di L'Alba Morrigan
- Di'Anno,Paul
- Di'anno,Paul/Killers
- Diablo
- Diablo Blvd
- Diablo Royale
- Diablo Sing Orchestra
- Diablo Swing Orchestra
- Diablo,Danny
- Diaboli
- Diabolic
- Diabolic Divine
- Diabolic Force
- Diabolic Night
- Diabolic Oath
- Diabolical
- Diabolical Breed
- Diabolical Masquerade
- Diabolical Messiah
- Diabolical Principles
- Diabolisches Werk
- Diabolos Dust
- Diabolos Rising
- Diabulus in Musica
- Diamante
- Diamanthian
- Diamond Construct
- Diamond Dawn
- Diamond Head
- Diamond Nights
- Diamond Plate
- Dianno Paul&Dennis Stratton
- Dianno, Paul
- Dianno,Paul
- Dianno,Paul & Killers
- Dianno,Paul & Killers (Ex-Iron
- Dianno,Paul-& Killers-
- Dianthus
- Diary About My Nightmares
- Diary of Dreams
- Diary of Secrets
- Diatribe
- Dibbukim
- Dictated
- Did You Mean Australia?
- Die
- Die Allergie
- Die Antwoord
- Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
- Die Ärzte
- Die Besten
- Die Biomechanik
- Die by Design
- Die by the Sword
- Die Cheerleader
- Die Drei ???
- Die Fantastischen Vier
- Die for My Sins
- Die Form
- Die Happy
- Die Hard
- Die Haut
- Die Kammer
- Die Kassierer
- Die Klute
- Die Knappen
- Die Kreatur
- Die Kreuzen
- Die Krupps
- Die Kur
- Die Laughing
- Die My Demon
- Die No More
- Die Perlen
- Die Schinder
- Die Sektor
- Die Seuche
- Die Siebziger
- Die Skeptiker
- Die So Fluid
- Die Streuner
- Die to Exist
- Die Toten Hosen
- Die Verbannten Kinder Evas
- Die verlorenen Söhne
- Die Vorboten
- Die Warzau
- Die Young
- Die Young (Tx)
- Die Young [TX]
- Die Zöllner
- Die Zusamm-Rottung
- Die!
- Diecast
- Diehard Youth
- Dielectric Drone All-Stars
- Dies Ater
- Dies Irae
- Diesel America
- Diesel Machine
- Diesel,Johnny & the Injectors
- Dieth
- Dieversity
- Difused
- DiGelsomina
- DigHayZoose
- Digir Gidim
- Digital Poodle
- Digital Ruin
- Digital Violence
- Digitalis Purpurea
- Dignity
- Digression Assassins
- Dilly Dope Natas
- Dim Mak
- Dimension Zero
- Dimmu Borgir
- Dimmu Borgir/Old Man S Child
- Dimple Minds
- Dine in hell
- Dinner auf Uranos
- Dio
- Dio – Distraught Overlord
- Dio Distraught Overlord
- Dio^Dio
- Dio, Ronnie James
- Dio,Ronnie James
- Diocletian
- Dion Fortune Sampler
- Dionysus
- Dioramic
- Dir en Grey
- Dire Omen
- Dirge
- Dirge of Cerberus
- Dirge Within
- Dirkschneider
- Dirkschneider & the Old Gang
- Dirkschneider,Udo
- Dirt
- Dirt Merchant
- Dirt Woman
- Dirty Black Halo
- Dirty Connections
- Dirty d'Sire
- Dirty Honey
- Dirty Looks
- Dirty Passion
- Dirty Penny
- Dirty Rig
- Dirty Rotten Imbeciles
- Dirty Shirley
- Dirty Sound Magnet
- Dirty Vegas
- Disarmonia Mundi
- Disaster Area,the
- Disaster K.F.W.
- Disaster KFW
- Disastrous Murmur
- Disavowed
- Disbelief
- Disconformity
- Diseim
- Disembowel
- Disembowelment
- Disembowelments
- Disentomb
- Disfear
- Disfigured Dead
- Disgorge
- Disgrace
- Disgrace by Design
- Disguised Malignance
- Dishammer
- Disharmonic Orchestra
- Dishwalla
- Disillusion
- Disillusion Effect
- Disincarnate
- Disinfect
- Disinter
- Diskord
- Diskreet
- Disma
- Dismal Euphony
- Dismantled
- Dismember
- Dismembered Carnage
- Disminded
- Disparaged
- Dispatched
- Dispensing of False Halos
- Disperse
- Displaced Aggression
- Disquiet
- Disrupt
- Dissection
- Dissevered
- Dissident Aggressor
- Dissimulator
- Dissorted
- Distance in Embrace
- Distant
- Distant Landscape
- Distant Past
- Distant Thunder
- Distaste
- Distorted
- Distorted Cognitions
- Distorted Fate
- Distorted Harmony
- Distorted Impalement
- Distorted Memory
- Distorted Picture
- Distorted Reality
- Distorted Wonderland
- Distraught
- Disturbed
- Disturbed Angel
- Div Rock
- Diva Destruction
- Diva Noctua Entropia
- Diva, John & the Rockets of Love
- Diva,John & the Rockets of Love
- Dive
- Dive Your Head
- Divide and Dissolve
- Divide the Sea
- Divided in Spheres
- Divided Multitude
- Divine Ascension
- Divine Decay
- Divine Empire
- Divine Heresy
- Divine Lust
- Divine Noise Attack
- Divine Rapture
- Divine Tragedy
- Divine Uncertainty
- Divine, Iris
- Divine:Zero
- Divinefire
- Divinity
- Divinity Compromised
- Division by Zero
- Division Speed
- Division:Dark
- Divlje Jagode
- Dix,Otto
- Dixie Witch
- Dizmas
- Djevel
- Djevelkult
- Dkay.com
- Do Nothing
- Do or Die
- Doctor and the Crippens
- Doctor Butcher
- Doctor Doom
- Doctor Midnight & the Mercy Cult
- Doctor Speed
- Dodenkrocht
- Dodge Main
- Dodsengel
- Dödsrit
- Doedsvangr
- Dofka
- Dog Almighty
- Dog Eat Dog
- Dogfight
- Dogma
- Dogma Inc.
- Dogma IVS
- Dogma,the
- Dogs In The Fight
- Dogzilla's Revenge
- Dokken
- Dokken,Don
- Dol Ammad
- Dold Vorde Ens Navn
- Doldrey
- Doll Skin
- Dolls of Pain
- Dolmen Gate
- Dolorian
- Domination Black
- Domination Through Impurity
- Dominaton Inc.
- Domine
- Dominici
- Dominion
- Dominion Caligula
- Dominion III
- Dominique
- Domino Drive
- Domino, Fats
- Dominum
- Dominus
- Dominus Xul
- Domkraft
- Don Airey
- Don Broco
- Don Dokken
- Don Wolf
- Donald Dark
- Donnergroll
- Donnerkopf
- Donor
- Donots
- Dool
- Doom
- Doom Day
- Doom Machine
- Doom Side of the Moon
- Doom:VS
- Doom's Day
- Doomed
- Doomed from Day One
- Doomed to Obscurity
- Doomsayer
- Doomsday Ceremony
- Doomsday Outlaw
- Doomshine
- Doomsword
- Dope
- Dope Out
- Dope Stars Inc.
- Dopethrone
- Doping the Void
- Dordeduh
- Dorn
- Dornenreich
- Doro
- Dorsal Atlântica
- Dos Hermanos
- Dot Allison
- Double Cross
- Double Crush Syndrome
- Double Dealer
- Double Experience
- Double Treat
- Double-Dealer
- Doubting Thomas
- Douglas Heart
- Down
- Down 'n' Outz
- Down Below
- Down By Law
- Down from Zero
- Down I Go
- Down N Outz
- Down the Drain
- Down to Nothing
- Down to Reality
- Down to This
- Down Trigger
- Downfall of Gaia
- Downfall of Nur
- Download
- Downriver Dead Men Go
- Doyle
- Doyle Airence
- Dozen Furies
- Dozer
- Dødheimsgard
- Dr Know
- Dr Mastermind
- Dr. Acula
- Dr. Know
- Dr. Living Dead!
- Dr. Shrinker
- Dr.Butcher
- Dr.Death
- Dr.Doom
- Drac Shigan
- Draconian
- Draconian Order
- Draconic
- Draconicon
- Dragon Attack
- Dragón de Comodo
- Dragon Guardian
- Dragon's Kiss
- DragonForce
- Dragonland
- Dragonlord
- Dragons Slayer
- Dragonsfire
- Dragony
- Dragpipe
- Drain Down
- Drain S.T.H.
- Drakkar
- Drakwald
- Drapsnatt
- Drastique
- Draugar
- Draugnim
- Drautran
- Dravens Mixtape
- Draw Blood
- Draw Me Stories
- Drawers
- Drawing Voices
- Drawn & Quartered
- Drawn and Quartered
- Drawn By Evil
- Dread
- Dread Crew of Oddwood
- Dread Kennedys
- Dread Lock Pussy
- Dread Sovereign
- Dread the Forsaken
- Dread Zeppelin
- Dreadful Fate
- Dreadful Shadows
- Dreadnaught
- Dreadnought
- Dreadnoughts
- Dream Company
- Dream Death
- Dream Evil
- Dream Into Dust
- Dream of an Opium Eater
- Dream the Electric Sleep
- Dream Theater
- Dream Troll
- Dream Unending
- Dream Unending & Worm
- Dream Warriors
- Dreamaker
- Dreaming Dead
- Dreamless Veil
- Dreams in Fragments
- Dreams of Avalon
- Dreams of Damnation
- Dreams of Nature
- Dreams of Sanity
- Dreamscape
- Dreamscapes of the Perverse
- Dreamshade
- Dreamside
- Dreamtale
- Dreamtone & Iris Mavraki's Neverland
- Drecksau
- dreDDup
- Dredg
- Dredge
- Drescher
- Dress Code
- Dress Code Infraction
- Dri
- Dri - Dirty Rotten Imbeciles
- Drift Effect
- Drift Into Black
- Drifter
- Drill Star Autopsy
- Driller Killer
- Drive-in Massacre
- Driven Below
- Driven by Entropy
- Driving Mrs.Satan
- Droids Attack
- Drone
- Drone Livingston
- Drones
- Drop Acid
- Drop Dead
- Drop Dead Gorgeous
- Drop Dead, Gorgeous
- Drop Hammer
- Dropkick Murphys
- Dropout Kings
- Drottnar
- Drown
- Drown in Blood
- Drown in Sulpher
- Drown Inc.
- Drown Into Descent
- Drown Mary
- Drown Me
- Drown My Day
- Drown This City
- Drowned
- Drowned by Darkness
- Drowned in Dreams
- Drowned Out
- Drowners
- Drowning Pool
- Drowning Thy Issues
- Drowningman
- Drudkh
- Drugs Of Faith
- Druid
- Druid Lord
- Druids
- Drunk Horse
- Drunkard
- Drünkards
- Drunken Therapy
- Dry Cell
- Dry Kill Logic
- Dryland
- Dsknt
- Duality
- Dub War
- Dublin Death Patrol
- Duct Hearts
- Duff McKagan
- Duff McKagan's Loaded
- Duivel
- Dulce Joya León
- Dumb Numbers
- Dun Ringill
- Dunbarrow
- Duncan Wilder Johnson
- Dune Rats
- Dungen
- Dungeon
- Dungeon Master
- Dungeon Wolf
- Dungeonhammer
- Dunger,Nicolai
- Dunkelgrafen
- Durand Catherine
- Durbin
- Durutti Column
- Dusk in Silence
- Duskfall, the
- Duskmourn
- Dust
- Dust & Bone
- Dust & Bones
- Dust Bolt
- Dust Bowl Jokies
- Dust for Life
- Dust in Mind
- Dust Mice
- Dust Mountain
- Dust of Basement
- Dust Rhinos
- Dust to Dust
- Dust+Bones
- Duster 69
- Dvne
- Dvrk
- Dwarfs Killer
- Dwellers of Twilight
- Dwelling Below
- Dygitals
- Dying Empire
- Dying Fetus
- Dying Foetus
- Dying Humanity
- Dying Passion
- Dying Phoenix
- Dying Wish
- Dylan Carlson
- Dylath-Leen
- Dymna Lotva
- Dymytry
- Dynamic Lights
- Dynamite
- Dynamite Abortion
- Dynamite Roadkill
- Dynazty
- Dynfari
- Dyoxen
- Dyscarnate
- Dyse
- Dysmal
- Dysmorphic
- Dysrhythmia
- Dystersol
- Dystopia
- Dystopia Na!