- E-Craft
- E-Force
- E-l-R
- E-Town Concrete
- E-X-E
- E-Z-O
- E.F. Band
- E.N.D.
- E.N.T.
- E.S.T.
- E.Town Concrete
- E.Z.O.
- Eagle Claw
- Eagle Twin
- Eagleheart
- Eagles
- Eagles of Death Metal
- Eagles, the
- Eagles,the
- Ear-Shot
- Earl Greyhound
- Earls of Mars
- Early Grave
- Early Graves
- Early Grey
- Early Man
- Early Moods
- Earshot
- Earth
- Earth (Heavy Metal)
- Earth & Pillars
- Earth And Pillars
- Earth Caller
- Earth Crisis
- Earth Electric
- Earth Groans
- Earth Lux
- Earth Messiah
- Earth Moves
- Earth Quake
- Earth Rot
- Earth Ship
- Earthburner
- Earthen Grave
- Earthen Vessel
- Earthern Vessel
- Earthless
- Earthless Meets Heavy Blanket
- Earthride
- Earthshaker
- Earthshine
- Earthship
- Earthtone9
- East of the Wall
- East of Wall
- East Temple Avenue
- East West
- East West Blast Test
- Easy Action
- Eat No Fish
- Eat The Gun
- Ebc Roxx
- Ebony Ark
- Ebony Tears
- Ecchymosis
- Ecclesia
- Echo Hollow
- Echo of Dalriada
- Echobrain
- Echoes of Eternity
- Echtra
- Eclectic Maybe Band
- Eclipse
- Eclipse Eternal
- Eclipse Prophecy
- Eclipse Sol-Air
- Ecliptica
- Ecliptyka
- Econoline Crush
- Economist
- Ed Kowalczyk
- Eddie & The Hot Rods
- Eddie Hinton and the Nighthawks
- Eden Lost
- Eden Maine
- Eden Weint Im Grab
- Edenbridge
- Edgar Winter & Johnny
- Edgar Broughton Band
- Edgar Winter
- Edgar Winter & Rick Derringer
- Edgar Winter Group/Derringer
- Edgar Winter S White Trash
- Edgar-Group- Winter
- Edge of Attack
- Edge of Dawn
- Edge of Divinity
- Edge of Forever
- Edge of Paradise
- Edge of Sanity
- Edge of Thorns
- Edgedown
- Edguy
- Edwin Dare
- Eeriness
- Egdon Heath
- Ego Likeness
- Ehlder
- Eibon
- Eibon & Hangman's Chair
- Eibon la Furies
- Eidolon
- Eight Bells
- Eighteen Visions
- Eihort
- Eihwar
- Eilera
- Einherjer
- Einsturze Neubauten
- Einstürzende Neubauten
- Eïs
- Eisberg
- Eisblut
- Eisbrecher
- Eisenfunk
- Eisenvater
- Eisheilig
- Eisregen
- Eivor
- Eivør
- Ekhymosis
- Ektomorf
- El Brujo's Gore-Chestra
- El Caco
- El Destructo
- El Diablo Ninos
- El Duces Mentors
- El Fish
- El Pistolero
- El Reloj
- El Thule
- Elane
- Elara Sunstreak Band
- Elbrus
- Eldamar
- Elder Devil
- Elderwind
- Eldest 11
- Eldrine
- Eldritch
- Eldritch Rite
- Electric Angel
- Electric Angels
- Electric Boys
- Electric Callboy
- Electric Earth
- Electric Eel Shock
- Electric Falcons
- Electric Flag
- Electric Flag,the
- Electric Guitars
- Electric Haze
- Electric Hellfire Cl
- Electric Hellfire Club
- Electric Mary
- Electric Mob
- Electric Mud,the
- Electric Poison
- Electric Sun
- Electric Sun (Uli Jon Roth)
- Electric Wizard
- Electro Assassin
- Electro Hippies
- Electrocution
- Electrocution 250
- Elegant Weapons
- Elegy
- Elegy of Madness
- Elegy Remains
- Eleine
- Element Eighty
- Elend
- Elephant Tree
- Elettra Storm
- Eleven Pictures
- Eleventh Apparition
- Elexorien
- Elf
- Elf, Ronnie James Dio
- Elf,Ronnie James Dio
- Elias Hulk
- Eliminator
- Elis
- Elivagar
- Elixir
- Elizabeth Falconer
- Ellefson
- Ellefson, Dave -F5-
- Ellefson's,Dave F5
- Ellende
- Ellereve
- Elliot Moss
- Elliott BROOD
- Ellipse
- Elm Street
- Eloy
- Eluveithe
- Eluveitie
- Elvellon
- Elvenking
- Elvenpath
- Elwood Stray
- Elysia
- Elysion
- Elysion Fields
- Elysium
- Embalm
- Embalmer
- Embedded
- Embers Of Revenge
- Embodyment
- Embrace Agony
- Embrace Damnation
- Embrace Elijah
- Embrace Me Ocean
- Embrace of Souls
- Embrace the End
- Embrace Today
- Embraced
- Embraze
- Embryo
- Embryo Killers
- Embryonic Autopsy
- Embryonic Devourment
- Emerald
- Emerald Rain
- Emerald Sabbath
- Emerald Steel
- Emerald Sun
- Emerald Vale
- Emergency Gate
- Emerson Lake & Palmer
- Emerson,Keith Band
- Emery
- Emeth
- Emigrate
- Emil Bulls
- Emilie Autumn
- Emily Kinney
- Emily Wolfe
- Eminence
- Eminenz
- Emmure
- Emmylou & the Nash Ramblers Harris
- Emperor
- Emperors and Elephants
- Emphatic
- Empire
- Empire 21
- Empire Auriga
- Empire Drowns
- Empire of Disease
- Empire State Bastard
- Empires Of Eden
- Empirion
- Employed To Serve
- Emptiness
- Empty
- Empty Glass Means Nothing
- Empty Grave
- Empty My Lungs
- Empty Playground
- Empty Storage
- Empty Tomb
- Empty Trail
- Empty Trash
- Empty Tremor
- Empty Veins
- Empyrean Eclipse
- Empyrean Throne
- Empyria
- Empyrium
- Emyn Muil
- En Minor
- En Nuestros Corazones
- Enbound
- Encephalon
- Enchant
- Enchanter
- Enchantment
- End ~ All
- End a.d., the
- End Amen
- End My Sorrow
- End of All
- End of Arcane
- End of Days
- End of Destiny
- End of Green
- End of Level Boss
- End of September
- End Of The Dream
- End of You
- End Reign
- End This Day
- End-Time Illusion
- End,the
- Endart
- Endezzma
- Endiryah
- Endless Asylum
- Endless Boogie
- Endless Forms Most Gruesome
- Endlevel
- Endo
- Endoras
- Endovein
- Endseeker
- Endstille
- Endtime
- Endtime & Cosmic Reaper
- Enemy Eyes
- Enemy I
- Enemy Inside
- Enemy of the Sun
- Enemy Soil
- Enepsigos
- Energy
- Energy of the Elements
- Energy of the Elements
- Energy Vampires
- Enevelde
- Enfold Darkness
- Enforce
- Enforced
- Enforcer
- Enforces
- Enforsaken
- Engel
- Engel & Mcgrogan Schaper
- Engelsstaub
- Engine of Pain
- Engines of Aggression
- English Dogs
- Engulfed
- Engulfed in Blackness
- Eniac Requiem
- Enid
- Enid, the
- Enigma Experience
- Enisum
- Enmity
- Ennis Sisters, the
- Enochian Crescent
- Enochian Theory
- Enola Gay
- Enphin
- Enraged By Beauty
- Ensanguinate
- Ensemble Economique
- Ensiferum
- Enslaved
- Enslavement of Beauty
- Entartung
- Enter Chaos
- Enter My Silence
- Enter Shikari
- Enter Tragedy
- Enter Twilight
- Entera
- Enterprise Earth
- Enthrone
- Enthroned
- Entombed
- Entombed A.D.
- Entrails
- Entrails Massacre
- Entrails Out!
- Entrench
- Entropia Invictus
- Entwine
- Enuff Z'Nuff
- Envinya
- Ephel Duath
- Ephemeral
- Epica
- Epicardiectomy
- Epidemic
- Epitaph
- Epitaph Romance
- Epitome
- Epitome of Frail
- Epoch of Chirality
- Epoch of Unlight
- Equilibrium
- Equinox
- Eradicator
- Eradikated
- Erase the Grey
- Erben der Schöpfung
- Erben des Zorns
- Erdling
- Ereb Altor
- Eric & The Yardbirds Clapton
- Eric Bell
- Eric Burdon & The Animals
- Eric Burdon & War
- Eric Clapton
- Eric Clapton & Rod Stewart
- Eric Clapton & the Yardbirds
- Eric Mac Fadden
- Eric Martin
- Eric Mcfadden
- Eric Mcfadden Trio
- Eric Slick
- Erik Hinds
- Erlen Meyer
- Ernst Molden
- Eroded
- Erosion
- Erra
- Errortype:11
- Ershetu
- Eruption
- Eryn Non Dae
- Eryn Non Dae.
- Esa (Electronic Substance Abuse)
- Esben and the Witch
- ESc
- Escape Tank
- Escape the Fate
- Escape With Romeo
- Escuela Grind
- Eskapism
- Eskimo Callboy
- Eskröta
- Eso-Charis
- Esoctrilihum
- Esoteric
- Esoteric Doctrine
- Esoterica
- Esprit d'Air
- Esqarial
- Essence
- Essence of Datum
- Essence of Mind
- Essence of Sorrow
- Estatic Fear
- Estertor
- Estriver
- Etant Donnes
- Eternal
- Eternal Autumn
- Eternal Breath
- Eternal Champion
- Eternal Decision
- Eternal Deformity
- Eternal Dirge
- Eternal Drak
- Eternal Dream
- Eternal Elysium
- Eternal Emperor
- Eternal Essence
- Eternal Evil
- Eternal Flame
- Eternal Flight
- Eternal Grave
- Eternal Gray
- Eternal Helcaraxe
- Eternal Idol
- Eternal Legacy
- Eternal Lies
- Eternal Lord
- Eternal Majesty
- Eternal Morning
- Eternal Mourning
- Eternal Oath
- Eternal of Sweden
- Eternal Reign
- Eternal Ruin
- Eternal Ryte
- Eternal Samhain
- Eternal Silence
- Eternal Sleep
- Eternal Solstice
- Eternal Sorrow
- Eternal Storm
- Eternal Suffering
- Eternal Suffering,Th
- Eternal Tango
- Eternal Tears of Sorrow
- Eternal Thirst
- Eternal Torture
- Eternal Tragedy
- Eternal Void
- Eternal White Trees
- Eternal Winter
- Eternal, Thanatos
- Eternity
- Eternity Burning
- Eternity Void
- Eternity X
- Eternity's End
- Ethel the Frog
- Ether
- Ether Coven
- Ether Sunday
- Ethereal Architect
- Ethereal Kingdoms
- Ethereal Pandemonium
- Ethereal Riffian
- Ethereal Scourge
- Ethereal Woods
- Etherial Winds
- Eths
- Eucharist
- Eudaimony
- Eudoxis
- Eugenic Death
- Eulogy
- Euphoric Defilement
- Euronymous / Beheaded Nasrani
- Europe
- Eva O
- Evanescence
- Evangelist
- Evans Blue
- Even Flow
- Even Flowers Kill
- Even Vast
- Evenfall
- Evenoir
- Evenoire
- Event
- Event Horizon
- Event Horizon X
- Eventide
- Ever Dark
- Ever Forthright
- Ever-Frost
- Everdawn
- Everdown
- Evereve
- Evergreen Terrace
- Evergrey
- Everlost
- Evermore
- Evershine
- Every Hand Betrayed
- Every Knee Shall Bow
- Every Mother's Nightmare
- Every New Day
- Every Time I Die
- Everybody Gets Hurt
- Everyday I Die
- Everyone Dies in Utah
- Everything in Slow Motion
- Everything on Red
- Eviction
- Evidence One
- Evil
- Evil & Sortilege
- Evil 10 Submission
- Evil Army
- Evil Conspiracy
- Evil Dead,the
- Evil Drive
- Evil Genius
- Evil Incarnate
- Evil Invaders
- Evil Madness
- Evil Masquerade
- Evil Offering
- Evil One
- Evil Palace
- Evil Riot
- Evil S Toy
- Evil Scarecrow
- Evil Shepherd
- Evil Sinner
- Evil Spirit
- Evil Survives
- Evil United
- Evil Warriors
- Evil Whiplash
- Evil Wings
- Evil Within
- Evil Wrath
- Evil-Lyn
- Evildead
- Evildrive
- Evile
- Evilfeast
- Evils Toy
- Evita
- Evocation
- Evoke
- Evoked
- Evoken
- Ewig Frost
- Ewig.Endlich.
- Ewiges Reich
- Ewigheim
- Ewigkeit
- Ewing Oil
- Ex Deo
- Exalted Dirt
- Exaltyca
- Exanimatvm
- Exarsis
- Excalibur
- Excalion
- Excel
- Excessive Force
- Exciter
- Excommunion
- Excoriate
- Excrementory Grindfuckers
- Excruciating Terror
- Excruciation
- Excruciation by Silence
- Excruciator
- Execration
- Executer
- Execution
- Executioner
- Exelerate
- Exeloume
- Exhale
- Exhale (Sweden)
- Exhibition
- Exhibition of Tendencies
- Exhorder
- Exhumation
- Exhumed
- Exiled on Earth
- Exilia
- Exit Eden
- Exit Ten
- Exit to Eden
- Exivious
- Exmortem
- Exmortus
- Exocrine
- Exodus
- Exodus Project
- Exorcism
- Exorcist
- Exotic Animal Petting Zoo
- Exoto
- Expanding Man
- Experiment Fear
- Explicit Human Porn
- Explode
- Exploder
- Exposed to noise
- Expulsion
- Expunged
- Exterminated
- Extermination Dismemberment
- Extermination Order
- Exthenia
- Extinction A.D.
- Extize
- Extol
- Extortionist
- Extrema
- Extreme
- Extreme Brutal Terror
- Extreme Cold Winter
- Extreme Metal Box
- Extreme Neuron Noise
- Extreme Noise Terror
- Extreme Noise Terror/Filthkick
- Extreme O.D.
- Extreme Smoke 57
- Extreme Vaginal
- Extreme Wrestling Vol.2
- Extreme^Extreme
- Extremity
- Extremity Rising
- Exumer
- Exxperior
- Eye & I
- Eye Empire
- Eye Hate God
- Eye of I
- Eye of Nix
- Eye of Purgatory
- Eye of the Storm
- Eyefear
- Eyehategod
- Eyes Front North
- Eyes of a Traitor
- Eyes of Blue
- Eyes of Eden
- Eyes of Fire
- Eyes of Noctum
- Eyes of the Nightmare Jungle
- Eyes of Tomorrow
- Eyes of Tomorrow Hc
- Eyes on Fire
- Eyes Set to Kill
- Eyes Wide Open
- Eyesburn
- Ezo
- Ezoo
- Ezra Brooks_Serpent Rider